Saturday, 10 October 2015

Reasons you must cry regularly

Crying is an act of shedding tears, in distress pain or in sorrow. Even though in most cases shedding of teras  is tagged with pain and sorrow it has been been confirmed to have benefits.
Outlined below are the benefits of shedding tears.

1. Tears kill Bacteria

Tears contain lysoymes fluids that can kill 90% of bacteria  in just 5 to 10 mins and are also antibacteria and antiviral agents that fights off the gems that we pick up in public places.

2. Tears remove toxins from the eyes

Emotional tears especially those formed in distress or grief contain more toxic by product than tears of irritation (onion slicing) tears are not toxic but they remo ve toxins from our body that are built up by stress. They can be used as a therapy.

3. Crying can elevate mood

The act of crying can lower a person's manganese. If your maganese level is lower it makes you feel happier because over exposure to maganese level can cause bad stuffs to happen.

4. Crying lower stress
Crying  can be an exercise to release stress. Tears remove some of the chemicals built up in the body from stress like the endorphin leucine-enkaphalin and prolactin. The hormone we overproduce because of the pituitary  tumor that affects mood and stress tolerance.
Suppressing tears increase stress levels and contributes to disease aggravated by stress, such as high blood pressure, heart problems and peptic ulcer.

5. Tears release feelings

Even if you haven't just been through something traumatic or are severely depressed, the average person go through his day accumulating conflicts and resentments. Sometimes they gather inside the limbic system of the brain and in certain corners of the heart. Crying let's everything out and releases the hurt feelings.

6. Tears gives you clear vision

Tears help lubricate our eye balls and eye lids and prevent dehydration of our various mucus membrane.
Without tears tears eye sight could be blocked.

So I advise you cry more regularly and let the tears work miracles for you.

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