Thursday, 20 August 2015

OMG!!! man hangs himself after he butchered his pregnant wife with an axe because she cheated on him with her ex husband (pictures)

Nkululeko butchered his wife with an axe to death and killed himself because he caught his wife on bed with her ex husband.
Nkululeko is from Zimbabwe and operates  a wheelbarrow  and while he was in the town center  touting for client he got a tip off that Dube his wife who is heavily pregnant was in his house with her ex husband who is a money changer.

Dube had two children with her ex husband while she was married to him and when they separated she married Nkululeko in 2011 and they were yet to have a child of their own until Dube got pregnant.

Nkululeko started suspecting his wife Dube of cheating with her ex husband for a long time but when he confronted her, she denied the allegations.

The incident happened on Monday   17th August 2015 in the evening in their family house in Mapfungautsi suburb in Gokwe town Town

According to a neighbour, Nkululeko complained to him about his wife secretly seeing her ex husband. Another neighbor Thelma Phiri also said that the small town started carrying word that Dube was cheating on her husband with her ex husband who was also responsible for the pregnancy she was carrying.

On Monday afternoon, someone tip-off Nkululeku that Dube his wife was in his house with her ex husband. Immediately he rushed home and forced the bedroom door open and caught them in the act.
Dube ex husband escaped from the house.

According to
We don't know what happened to the couple but the next morning Tuesday 18th August 2015 we were called to the house by neighbors who found an axe with blood outside the house and we're worried because they had not seen the couples through out the day. When we got there we saw Nkululeko hanging from the roof of the house and his wife laying dead with her head butchered.

The police gave a statement saying that they believed it was Nkululeko that killed his wife and then

committed suicide.