Monday, 10 August 2015

Pastor Rapes and defile's a13year old girl inside his church

Pastor Nzube Ohuama of one Pentecostal church in Anambra state has raped and defile one of his church member's 13years old daughter during a night vigil and deliverance section in his church special deliverance room.

The pastor prophesied to the parent of the girl during the night vigil held monthly in the church compound that the young girl had been possessed by an evil spirit which has been tormenting her, that he needed to do a special deliverance service on her and asked for their permission to go ahead and conduct the special prayer session on the young girl. The victim's parents agreed.

When the vigil was in full session at about 1am the pastor told the congregation that he had to go for the special deliverance session and took the victim into a room meant for the prayers where he committed the act.

The victim's older sister walked into the room after she heard her sister crying from within and  caught Ohuma in the act and immediately reported to her parents who reported the incident to the police at the Fegge Police Station and it led to the arrest of the pastor.

Parents should be careful with those they trust their young children with.

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